Building Relationship Intelligence (RQ)


Relationship intelligence is the ability to adjust your approach to make interactions more effective. Whether at work, in your family or in your community, every effective relationship is dependent on people being able to connect with each other in order to get the result we are seeking.


Relationship intelligence is the ability to adjust your approach to make interactions more effective. Whether at work, in your family or in your community, every effective relationship is dependent on people being able to connect with each other in order to get the result we are seeking.

People who getting better results in their interactions with others are realizing collaboration is the key to success. In order to have mutual gratifying relationships it helps to learn how to prevent or at least manage conflict.

Once you learn how to harness what drives your own personal performance, you are in a much better position to take personal responsibility for how your choices effect you achieving your goals. In addition, you will begin to see others in a new light and see new ways you can interact with them to build trust and gain influence.

Relationship Intelligence (RQ) serves up insights into the motives, conflict triggers, strengths and overdone strengths in yourself and others. The Core Strengths platform of Relationship Intelligence allows you to easily connect with strengths you can continue to build upon and identify strategies in areas where you need additional help in relating to others.

If you would like to see ways in which you can develop your ability to interact with yourself and others more effectively click on the button below to sign up for the next workshop.

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